The Pros and Cons of Online High School (A Guidance Counselor’s Guide)

Posted by Laura Amendola on July 18, 2024

As a guidance counselor, you’re always looking for the best options for your students. You may find that for some students, in-person school simply doesn’t work. Not everyone excels in a classroom environment or works best on a set schedule with multiple classes in a day. The good news is that there’s an alternative you can recommend: online high school. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, enrollment in online school has only become more popular. Online learning expert Andy Shean, PhD, says “Today, people really recognize online degrees as comparable to a traditional campus-based program.” There’s even opportunities for credit recovery in many online high schools! It’s important, however, to know the pros and cons of online school in order to help your students make informed decisions.


woman sitting on a bed doing homework.

Understanding online high school diplomas

What is an online high school diploma? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a high school diploma earned through online study rather than in-person study. There are different types of online diplomas, however, so it’s important to recommend the right one. Some programs are entirely online while others may offer hybrid learning environments. Furthermore, some programs, such as Penn Foster High School, are entirely self-paced while others may have more structure.


The most important criteria for online high school is accreditation. Accreditation is a seal of approval indicating the institution provides a quality education recognized on a regional, national, or international level. For students, attending an accredited institution or program can ensure that they receive an education that meets widely accepted standards.


Read more: How Online Classes Can Help Learners Succeed in High School


Pros of an online high school diploma

If you think any of these benefits to online high school could benefit your students, it may be time to point them in the online high school direction.



  • Online high school often includes customizable schedules.
  • Potential to learn at one's own pace.



  • Access for students in remote or underserved areas.
  • Options for students with health issues or disabilities.
  • Workable for students with real world responsibilities.


Variety of Courses:

  • Exposure to a wider range of subjects and electives.
  • Potential to enroll in career “pathways.”


Fits more learning styles:

  • Material often uses several types of media.
  • Support staff usually available.


Technology Integration:

  • Enhances digital literacy and familiarity with tech tools.


Cost Efficiency:

  • Potential cost savings on transportation, uniforms, and materials.
  • Payment plans often available.


Increased graduation rates:


Read more: Closing the Gap: How High School Class Alternatives Improve Graduation Rates


Cons of an online high school diploma

Here are some challenges or obstacles students may encounter in an online high school program.


Self-Discipline and Motivation:

  • Requires a high level of self-motivation.
  • Time management skills are necessary.


Limited Social Interaction:

  • Fewer opportunities for face-to-face interactions with peers and teachers.


Access to Resources:

  • Potential limitations in access to labs, libraries, and extracurricular activities.


Technical Issues:

  • Dependence on reliable internet and technical equipment.


Recognition and Acceptance:

  • Perception and potential acceptance issues by colleges and employers.


Support and Guidance:

  • Less immediate or no access to guidance counselors.
  • Mostly digital communication with support staff.


Read more: 3 Ways to Improve Inclusivity in Online Education



4 considerations for guidance counselors

If you're going to add online school recommendations to your duties as guidance counselor, there are some things you should consider.


1. Student suitability

Not every student will find online school fits. It doesn’t make sense for everybody, so identifying which students are likely to thrive in an online environment is crucial. In a survey of high school leads*, Penn Foster found that students often identify an online high school diploma as a potential path forward because they're looking for greater flexibility, have concerns such as school safety or bullying, or need to study around obligations such as work and childcare. Similar students may find online high school works well for them, but not every student will feel the same.


Read more: 5 Strategies to Help Learners Earn a High School Diploma


2. Parental involvement

Since switching from traditional high school to online high school is a big step, parents play an important role. You want to help prepare them and supply them with resources that will enable them to create the best possible learning environment at home. Parents may need to be more hands on when their children are learning online, especially if the school is self-paced and they know their child struggles with time management and self-discipline. You don’t want students or their parents entering into this decision without all the information.


Cathy Breymeier, High School Course Sales Manager at Penn Foster Group, says that “There are different levels that the student could be at.” Parents can sign their children up for courses, but it is preferred that guidance counselors provide recommendations to avoid incorrect course enrollment.


Read more: How Online High School Can Benefit Your Learners


3. Support systems

Not every student has the same needs, so it’s important to be aware of what kind of support systems your student needs their school to provide and ensure the online schools or programs you’re recommending meet those needs. Does the school have support staff available? Are there additional resources, such as a virtual library or supplemental webinars, students can access? Is there credit recovery? These are important questions you should answer before pointing your students in any direction.


Read more: 7 Tips for Keeping Students Motivated in Penn Foster High School


4. Accreditation and academic rigor

When guiding students toward online high school programs, it is crucial for counselors to consider the accreditation and academic rigor of the institution. Accreditation ensures that the program meets established standards of quality and is recognized by colleges, universities, and employers, thus supporting students' future educational and career prospects. Academic rigor is equally important; counselors should evaluate whether the curriculum challenges students and adequately prepares them for higher education or the workforce.


Partner with an online high school program

Taking all the pros and cons into account, online high school can greatly benefit many students who aren’t thriving in traditional school. If you’re interested in providing your students with alternative education options, you can set up a partnership with an online high school program to make this transition smoother for your students. For more information on how partnerships work, reach out to our experts for everything you need to know!


*Data compiled from a 2023 survey of Penn Foster High School leads.